Chapter 6-2: Grunty Industries

Chapter 6-2: Grunty Industries

Chapter 1: Revenge is Bitter-Sweet
Chapter 2: Pitchforks and Hay Bales
Chapter 3: Exploring the Shore
Chapter 4: Trudging through the Swamp.
Chapter 5: A Trip to the Pier.
Chapter 6: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Freezer.
-6-1: Freezing Furnace
-6-2: Grunty Industries.
-6-3: The Frozen Heart of Grunty Industries
-6-4: Working Over-time
-6-5: Finishing Freezing Furnace
-6-6: Backtracking to the Bayou
Chapter 7: The Final Fight.

Clocking in before your time

Once we’ve stepped foot inside Grunty Industries, we’ll get down to some hard work! Let’s drop down to the main level by walking to the left and dropping down from the two platforms. You should notice a swaying enemy ahead, this is known as a Livewire and if you get too close you’ll be in for quite a shock! Venture past the first electrical enemy and you’ll notice a very peculiar object above the second pedestal which the Livewire resides. By standing behind it you’ll be out of harms way, and by executing a Flip Flap you’ll manage to boost yourself up to the top of the pedestal and collect a Gold Nugget (1). Drop down to the left and pick up the single note (51) and then continue down to the south to collect the next note (52). From here head to your immediate left making sure to pick up the next note (53) beside the staircase and use the stairs to ascend to the fenced in floor above. Once inside, head to the left and ascend the two platforms to meet a brand new face.

Mrs. Buckets’ Jiggy Recasting

After inquiring Miss Bucket if she’s seen any Jiggies around Grunty Industries, Banjo is informed that the patrolling Gruntlings have been smashing any Jiggies found within the vicinity. However, Miss Bucket adds that she could make the duo a Jiggy if she were given the proper supplies. In that regard you’ll find seven Gold Nuggets around Grunty Industries that Miss Bucket can use to recast a new Jiggy, however only by collecting all of the Gold Nuggets will you be able to make an entire Jiggy, so it’s Seven Nuggets or bust as a half Jiggy just won’t cut it. On the bright side we’ve already collected 1 Nugget, so there’s six more pieces to go.

Putting out the fire in Grunty’s belly

From here drop down to the main floor once more and take the staircase back down, head left toward the red pipes and south toward the Wonderwing Pad, once you’ve gotten on top execute your Wonderwing ability to take out the surrounding Spookos, then head to the left where you’ll find a stream of lava. Jump over over the lava and defeat the Spooko on the otherside, continue running to the left and north once it corners off to locate a switch. Disable the Wonderwing and use a Pack Whack to activate the switch, doing so will cause the platform floating in the lava to begin its trek.

Jump onto the platform before it takes off and get into Breegul Blaster mode, select the Ice Eggs and go to work on any Spookos that float over the lava; if one hits you it could be enough to send you into the fiery dip. After the platform moves to the right it will begin to head up north toward a large pipe that just skims the surface of the lava, while the platform will be able to go under this pipe, you will not, so be sure to jump over it and then back onto the platform when the time comes. Once you begin to head left after the pipe, face toward the north wall with your Breegul Blaster executed, you should spot an Ice Egg Toll on the wall which requires a single shot.

Once you’ve cooled down the toll with an Ice Egg, you’ll have to do the same with the second toll just to the left so be prepared. Now that you’ve activated both of the Ice Egg tolls, the fiery barrier that blocks off the door to the stomach of the large robot in the center of the lava. Unfortunately we’ll have to take the platform trek once more in order to access the doorway through the stomach. You’ll need to jump over the next pipe to the south and than take the platform ride again until you reach the first pipe obstacle, then jump to the left and enter inside.

Lab through the Livewires

Inside the interior robot you’ll be sure to find an environment in stark contrast to the fiery world outside, the inside featuring an icy hallway covered with Livewires on either sides of the walls. As it stands, passing through the Livewires is absolutely impossible without taking some damage. However, by using the Wonderwing Pad you’re standing on you’ll manage to run through the entire fray without so much as a scratch. I recommend heading back out to the south and re-entering this area to stock up your health to maximum; you’re going to need it for this battle… Once you’ve topped off your honey energy, head to the north and use the Witchy Warp to take you to Klungo’s Lab.

Next: The Frozen Heart of Grunty Industries