Battletoads Xbox One

Unknowingly living out their fantasies in a virtual simulation for decades, the Battletoads soon discover that the galaxy has been taken over by a race of omnipotent interlopers called ‘The Topians’, and, even more frightening – that they’ve lost all relevance as proper heroes since disappearing. In a series first, Rash, Pimple and Zitz will need to team up with the Dark Queen and her new cohorts, Holidays and Bratty to overthrow the Topians and restore order to the Universe. Developed by Dlala Studios and Rare, Battletoads has returned to deliver a webbed slap and Toad-Sham-Bo of rocking tunes, beat ’em up action, spacefaring battles, puzzle platforming, wicked humor and nineties nostalgia that you’ve been missing since your last date with the Turbo Tunnel.