GoldenEye 007 Walkthrough 6-4: Depot


Mission 1: Arkangelsk
Mission 2: Severnaya
Mission 3: Kirghizstan
Mission 4: Monte Carlo
Mission 5: Severnaya
Mission 6: St. Petersburg
– 6-1: Statue Park
– 6-2: Archives
– 6-3: Streets
– 6-4: Depot
– 6-5: Train
Mission 7: Cuba
Mission 8: Teotihuaca’n
Mission 9: el-Saghira


Background: The Janus operations base in St. Petersburg is located in a disused military rail depot. From here the crime syndicate coordinates illegal arms deals, international terrorism and extortion.

1- Destroy the Illegal Arms Cache (00 Agent)
2- Destroy the Computer Network (Secret Agent)
3- Obtain the Safe Key (Secret Agent)
4- Recover the Helicopter Blueprints (Secret Agent)
5- Locate Trevelyan’s Train (Agent)

M Briefing: Quite a nest of vipers, 007 – do your best to disrupt the Janus operations. We’d be particularly interested if you could retrieve the blueprints for a modified version of the stealth helicopter, it seems they may be thinking of going into production. We also believe that Ourumov has taken Natalya to Trevelyan’s converted missile train in the depot. You need to be on that train when it leaves.

Q Branch: They’ve got a pretty sophisticated computer network hidden away somewhere in that depot, 007. Be a good chap and shut it down for them. Oh, and don’t forget to blow up the Janus arms cache – I’m just sorry I can’t be there myself to enjoy the fireworks.

Moneypenny: Don’t miss your train, James.


These declassified maps from MI6 give a satellite view of the Depot – our intelligence has also taken great care to provide internal blueprints for any area that our cameras haven’t been able to peer inside of, giving you complete visibility of every location in your mission. Crucial provisions like Body Armor and hidden Weapons have also been detailed inside the dossier, along with other points of interest during the assignment.
Click here to expand the dossier and take a closer look at the maps provided within.
You may use these maps before the mission starts to familiarize yourself with the region, and refer to them throughout as you need them.
Good luck, 007!

[Expand Mission Dossier Maps]


You will start out in the far corner of the map, way far away from the target train. Move forward through the train depot to catch up with Trevelyan and Ourumov before they depart. Enemies here are scarce, but they like to sneak out from their hiding spots and shoot you in the back. Watch all your angles as you head forward, ignoring the first few storage buildings. There are Body Armors hidden around here, so grab them before moving forward.

Once you’ve entered an area where you can see four metal containers in front of you, head left. Open the door to the shed. Soldiers will fire at you, so back off and take them on as they come out. Take care of all six of them, then move inside. In the far left corner of this shed, there is an automatic turret on the ceiling. Peek around the corners of the metal crates very covertly from a distance to blow it up. Once the coast is clear, destroy all the mainframe computers. Find a safe key here and take it. Leave this room.

Take a right from where you entered this part of the stage. Follow this direction until you reach the second doorway on your right. In here will be more soldiers posted around, as well as Janus’s cache of illegally-acquired weapons. MI6 would appreciate that you destroy all the brown crates. Clear the room first, grab the weapons that you can, and detonate a mine or two in the center to finish this objective.

Leave that chaos and move forward. This area should be empty of enemies right now, so take the chance to search for well-hidden body armor depending on your difficulty level. When you see the train, you will be nearly there. Walk around the train and find the station building. Walk inside and go upstairs. Open the safe and grab the helicopter blueprints. Head into the train boarding room and take care of enemies in there. Open the large doors and face the train. You can open the train doors and board it before the enemies can kill you.

Next: Converted Missile Train, Heading East