Spring Newsletter Out: All Access Pass Up For Grabs!

After running into a bit of a dry spell following the hustle and bustle of Kinect Sports: Season Two‘s release, Rare has finally found some time to sit down, exhale and run out the latest edition of their Newsletter. For the uninitiated, the newsletter contains Rares cumulative updates that is released every few months; each newsletter typically comes with early access to material to be added later onto the site and a few prizes ranging from T-Shirts to game exclusive content.
In this case, the Spring Newsletter comes with a chance to pick up their latest efforts — the Kinect Sports: Season Two All Access Pass DLC — provided you’re able to correctly answer the multiple choice question posed here.
The winners will be announced in the next edition of the newsletter, in the mean time if you’d like to sign up and have the chance at spotting some early access content, you can do so here.

Categories: News


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