Mini-Scribes – July 1st 2011

Q: I have a host of questions, enough so that you can probably make an entire Mini-Scribes blog with only them. But for the interest of time, I will cut it down to my top 4 questions.

  1. Is Kameo gone? I mean you know it’s bad luck to kill fairies right?
  2. You guys stated that you were going to closely monitor PD XBLA, how’s it doing? Because all the forums I’ve surfed on the web have many loyal Rare fans (myself included) dying for another controller-based PD (with a British Joanna Dark). OXM dropped a rumour for 2011. How much base was that rumor on – would you mind dropping another hint?
  3. Do you guys plan on announcing anything at Gamescom? Scratch that, are you guys going to Gamescom is a better way to word it.
  4. Lastly, does any of Rare’s vast teams have any projects that are controller-based, or don’t have Kinect as required? Don’t leave the core hanging.

A: 1) She’s an elf, she just hangs around with fairies. Hey, nobody told us she would die if we didn’t put her in a game for a few years. Legally we’re in the clear.
2) Rumours are rumours, mang. PD XBLA did well for itself, but there were never any conditions attached. First-party games are moving more and more towards Kinect integration, but if there is an opening for us to do something controller-based, it could be ruddy anything.
3) Can’t say for sure, but it seems likely that we’ll follow a similar pattern to last year and rock up to most of the big shows with a shedload of Sports.
4) You know we can’t tell you that, Dave. Stop, Dave. Will you stop? Daisy… Daisy… give me your answer… dooooooo…

Q: Hello Rare and Scribes,
Conker’s Bad Fur Day is a cool game and I was wondering what year will you make a sequel to that game?
Samuel Righter

A: What year? We admire your vagueness and very low level of expectation, Samuel. Have you submitted a question to Scribes before?
Live & Reloaded is the only other Conker game since Bad Fur Day, and as it’s a bit tricky to picture drunken animals staggering across the Kinect Sports golf course leaving a trail of urine and vomit, we can probably rule out 2011 at the very least.

Q: Rare I’ve
Enjoyed your games sense 1991 battletoads and the arcade one, RC pro am,KI, CREATE SOME GAMES

A: Sorry about that, Edwars (?) – we ABSOLUTELY guarantee to get another
BEFORE 2021 to add to the pitiful TOTAL OF
TWO games we’ve released in the last two DECADES INCLUDING THE FOUR YOU
mentioned… hang on.

Categories: News


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