Mini-Scribes – February 23rd 2012

Q: How about doing a ice sledge hockey game or even a ice hockey game cause that would be cool to play and there’s lots of hockey fans around the world you’d make a profit

A: Come on now, Nige. Ice sledge hockey isn’t even a real thing. And that’s because, whatever it is, it sounds TOO GOOD to be a real thing. Oh wait – just looked it up and it’s a real thing.
Well, a lot of sports were prototyped for both Kinect Sports and Season Two, and along with popularity and demand, viability of mechanics was another major factor in deciding which ones made it through to the dozen released to date. It’s entirely possible that hockey or ice hockey were in the mix somewhere. As you say, they’re a bit more popular than bog snorkelling or chess boxing. So you never know.
PS Chess boxing. CHESS BOXING. My new favourite thing.

Q: Dear Scribes, or to whom it may concern bothering to answer…
I’ll make this short and simple. Who would win in a fight. Ortho or Navi?
Kathryn Hadley

A: Chris from the Kameo design team ponders and responds, with admirable impartiality:
”You’d think Navi would win on account of having hands. But the Wotnot Book can fly and would just clamp shut on her.”

Q: What do you think of the way Double Fine adapted to not being able to create a retail hit by deciding to go into mostly doing 15$ downloadable games? Do you feel it would ever be wise for Rare to adopt such a strategy? I mean really, a Rare platformer could fit in quite nicely in a Summer of Arcade, right?
Brian Doyle

A: The XBLA question is one that’s often posed. It’s been off the table lately as getting Kinect Sports: Season Two designed, built, tested and ready to go in the space of a year meant all hands on deck AND a team-up with BigPark, and even then it wasn’t easy. As a first-party studio we have responsibilities – we can’t just run off laughing and assign 120 people to Cobra Triangle HD XBLA on a whim – but obviously we’ll be looking at all options over the next few years.

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