London Games Career Fair – Rare Gamer talks to Rare!

London, Brick Lane, and today was the last day of the Games Career Fair, a two day event with some of the world’s leading developers all out in force to look for new talent; it was probably the best chance this year that us Brits had to try and get a foot in the door into this crazy world of games that we love.

Rare Gamer registered for entry the moment we discovered that Rare would be present at the event, and it proved to be a very worthwhile journey. Amongst the Rare staff there (sadly we didn’t get the chance to speak with all the guys as there was a steady stream of people waiting) we managed to collar a member of the Viva Pinata team, who very kindly spared us a bit of his time for a quick chat …

So you worked on Viva Pinata, what’s next for you?

Well, everyone knows about Banjo, obviously, but sadly I don’t know about anything else at the moment.

You don’t know or you’re not allowed to say?

(laughs) I don’t know, I couldn’t say.

Was Viva Pinata in development for long?

Tim (Stamper) actually had the original idea for Viva Pinata but that idea then got taken away by the concept guys and changed quite a bit from the original, so yeah quite a while.

Okay, do you mind me asking how you wound up working for Rare?

Of course, I left university and was looking around for work. A position came up that I applied for and then went through the process; I had a recruitment day to go to, then sat an interview. After that was another recruitment drive thing and a day at Rare’s HQ. I then had another interview, and after that I was told I was successful and had the job.

Wow, that sounds a bit full on.

Yeah, it was, but just being able to say I work for Rare is a real privilege.

I’ll bet, we’ve been fans of Rare for so long, it was almost like this mythical being at one point, being so shrouded in secrecy and all.

Yes, that’s something we’ve really tried to change. We’re really trying to be more open, to attend more events like this …

… but no news on Banjo though?

(laughs) apart from that it’ll be released? One day. No.

Is the drive to be more open something that has come into force now that the Stamper brothers’ have departed Rare or was it a shift that was happening anyway?

Oh it was definitely something that was happening regardless. From a business standpoint it was doing us no favours. The Stampers leaving hasn’t really impacted like you would think. Really, for me, it’s just business as usual.

When the members of our website found out we’d be able to talk to you, the question of Stop ‘N Swop inevitably reared its head. I don’t know whether to ask or not …

(laughs) No, please don’t!

(laughs) okay, but seriously, do you have a view on it?

(laughs) I’m saying nothing.

Alright, one last thing. Banjo DS?

(pause, followed by laughter) no comment.

(laughs) okay, thank you very much for your time. It’s been a real pleasure.

No problem, thank you.

Our thanks to Rare for taking the time to talk to us.

Categories: Interviews


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