Mini-Scribes – December 22nd 2010

Q: Alright Rare, you’ve made my arms hurt, my legs hurt, my chest feels funny and my shoulders ache! After I play, I need to rest for 3 grueling days!! But I will master Kinect Sports just to prove that you cannot boss me around!
Umm… A question… Hmmm… In the game Kinect Sports, which sport or mini-game is the office favorite?
Cheers Big Ears!
Marek Wozniak

A: Let’s see who’s around to tackle this so close to Xmas… aha! Football/Soccer designer Shaun.
“Well, seeing as I’m the one replying I’m obviously going to go for one of the footy ones! To be honest though, Super Saver was one of the first parts of the game to really get a competitive feel going round the barn.
“One memory is me committing a ‘slightly’ unbalanced version. Mr. Neill Harrison, being the competitive young thing that he is, wouldn’t let it beat him. 1000 saves later (taking all of half an hour), the game was beaten… as was Neill.”

Q: I believe there is a travesty taking place. It would seem that every posh new fighting game has numerous colourful ultra combos used to make them stand out from the crowd. But lest we forget, it was you blokes who truly created the “ULTRAAAH!” combos… and therefore must be rewarded for it with millions of XBLA download “profits”.
So with that in mind, would it be at all possible to text the chaps over at 4J Studios for a bit of the old… “remake remake” for KI?
Matt Saroni

A: Not that simple, June Sarpong. Nowadays everything needs to be weighed up, pitched, justified, budgeted, forecast and so on. It’s understandable – the games market has grown to become so crowded and competitive, the right opportunity is more precious than ever – but it does mean we’re not in a position to accommodate every KI3 (or JFG2, or Other Bad Fur Day, or Banjo platformer) request that comes in. Not that we ever were, but now WITH BELLS ON. It won’t stop the requests, and far be it from us to frown upon your enthusiasm for games we created, but a lot of people seem to think we’re refusing to play ball out of simple stubbornness.

Q: Can you give Banjo-Kazooie fans anything to look forward to? I mean, I’m sure avatars and Kinect Sports are nice and all, but you guys used to create colorful characters with personalities. And plot.
Thank you for your time,

A: Have you looked at the Sports mascots? They’re demented. Yes, the carrot could have been Topper from Spiral Mountain and the scarecrow could have been Conker’s mate Birdy and the chicken is a short hop away from being a rogue Cluckles, but even if we couldn’t go so far as to Banjo-ify the whole thing, a round of Party Play with all that costumed lunacy kicking off should give you a Rare frisson. And plot? I dare you to imagine the layers of eye-popping backstory behind Rapid Robot.

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