Donkey Kong Virtual Boy

Setting their sights on three-dimensions with Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, Rare would spend the first three months in development attempting to bring over the pre-rendered world and art assets of Donkey Kong Country to function on the monocromatic handheld device. While its resources would have been lifted from the original DKC title, Donkey Kong Virtual Boy would have touted its own exclusive adventure not seen on the SNES. Unfortunately the low sales and short-sightedness of the Virtual Boy left the market without financial viability to develop the title beyond a functioning prototype.

  • Donkey Kong Virtual Boy Scribes Excerpts
    Scribes The following excerpts detailing the development of Donkey Kong Virtual Boy was originally published on Rare’s Scribes letter page. We’ve scoured each edition in order to provide you with every mention of the title to be found in Rare’s posted answers in chronological order below.  We’ve also included a link above each heading which will […]